Are you a mom who cares what goes into your children’s bodies? 

Does the pervasiveness of junk food being handed out to our children for “treats” and “rewards” bother you? 

Do you cringe at the sight of the strategically marketed candy, chips, and soda constantly being in your kids’ faces?

Have you come to the conclusion that a little bit of this and a little bit of that adds up to a LOT of problems? 

Have you started to realize that the typical American diet is causing serious long-term damage to the health of our kids? 

Have you discovered that packaged foods, with their chemistry lab of dangerous ingredients, should be avoided and the food you buy should contain only one ingredient?

Then you might be a One Ingredient Mom, like me!  Join me on the journey to finding easy ways to feed real and healthy foods to our families, one ingredient at a time. 



Meet One Ingredient Mom and find out why I'm on a mission to feed my family real food, one ingredient at a time.  


Ready to learn more about how to be a One Ingredient Mom?  Check out my blog for hot tips and ideas.